The family of kwaito legend Doc Shebeleza, born Victor Bogopane, has made an urgent appeal for financial assistance to save his life. The artist, renowned for his hit “Ebumnandini,” requires a life-saving operation scheduled for February next year. His mother, Agnes Mashego Bogopane, has called on good Samaritans and public figures, including Minister of Sports, Arts, and Culture Gayton McKenzie and Gauteng MEC for Education, Arts, Sports, Culture, and Recreation Matome Chiloane, to support the cause.
### Financial Struggles Amid Health Crisis
Doc Shebeleza has been battling a life-threatening illness and recently underwent a major operation at a private clinic in Johannesburg. Despite paying for his initial surgery out of pocket, his funds have now been depleted, leaving him unable to afford the next operation, which is estimated to cost R350,000. Additionally, his recovery requires essential and costly medication amounting to approximately R20,000 per month.
Like many South African artists, Doc Shebeleza does not have medical aid, leaving him and his family to shoulder the full burden of his medical expenses. His mother explained, “We have no funds to pay for this operation, and his life depends on it. I’m appealing to my leaders and good Samaritans to help save my son’s life.”
### A Legacy of Giving
Beyond his musical achievements, Doc Shebeleza has made a significant impact as a philanthropist. Through his non-profit organization, AMAHA, he has built houses for the needy, earning the admiration and gratitude of many South Africans. However, despite his contributions to society, he now finds himself in desperate need of help.
Currently recuperating in a private clinic in northern Johannesburg, Doc Shebeleza is under the care of his medical team. While his mother reports signs of improvement, she stresses that his recovery hinges on the next operation and access to the expensive medication required for his treatment.
### A Mother’s Plea
Agnes Mashego Bogopane has taken on the role of advocating for her son, urging individuals and organizations to come forward with assistance. She shared the financial strain the family is facing: “There are tablets I must buy for his treatment, and they cost around R20,000 a month. We don’t have that kind of money, and we must pay cash. He no longer performs as an artist, so where will we get the funds? I’m appealing to my people to please help me save my son’s life.”
### How to Help
For those who wish to contribute, donations can be made directly to the bank account provided by the family.
**Account Details:**
– **Account Holder:** A Bogopane
– **Account Number:** 1938776702
– **Bank:** Capitec
Alternatively, supporters can reach out to Doc Shebeleza’s manager, Shakes Mavundla, at 084 355 1160 for more information.
As Doc Shebeleza fights for his life, his family and fans hope that the generosity of South Africans will help the kwaito legend overcome this challenging chapter.