The Soweto community gathered on Sunday, October 20, to bid an emotional farewell to 7-year-old Katlego Olifant, a pupil at Karabo Primary School. The young boy tragically lost his life due to suspected food poisoning, becoming the sixth victim in a heartbreaking incident that shocked the Naledi neighborhood.

The funeral service, held at Naledi Community Hall, was filled with grief as friends, family, and classmates of Katlego came together to pay their final respects. Pupils from his school sang heartfelt songs to honor their departed classmate, while the church choir provided soothing hymns that comforted the mourners.

### Emotional Tributes from Teachers and Family

Talitha Tshirangwana, Katlego’s Grade 1 teacher, struggled to hold back her tears as she reflected on the pain of losing one of her young students. Describing Katlego as a “well-mannered and sweet boy,” she shared her sorrow with those in attendance.

“It’s hard to say goodbye to my beloved and sweet Katlego. He was a cheerful giver who always shared with others,” she said. “Katlego fought a pain we cannot imagine, but God saw that he needed rest and called him home for eternal peace. May his soul rest in peace.”

The principal of Karabo Primary School, Rose Tshivhase, also expressed deep sadness over the loss of not only Katlego but also the other pupils who died in the same incident. Overcome with emotion during her speech, she could only offer a simple yet poignant phrase: “All is well with my soul.”

### Katlego’s Courageous Battle

Katlego passed away on October 13 after spending nearly seven days in intensive care. His condition was announced during the funeral service of his five classmates, who had succumbed to the alleged poisoning days earlier. Despite his valiant fight, Katlego ultimately could not recover from the illness.

The cause of the food poisoning is still under investigation, leaving the community with many unanswered questions. The incident has left families heartbroken, as they struggle to come to terms with the tragic loss of these young lives.

### A Mother’s Heartbreaking Goodbye

The most touching moment of the service came when Katlego’s mother, Lydia Olifant, had a letter to her son read aloud to the mourners. The letter reflected her deep sorrow and the cherished memories she shared with her son.

“My son was here for just a moment, like a nighttime shooting star,” she wrote. “I will forever cherish the moments we shared together. Robala ka kgotso, mfanaka” (Rest in peace, my boy).

Lydia’s grief was palpable throughout the ceremony, as she repeatedly broke down in tears and was consoled by family members.

### Community in Mourning

The entire Naledi community has been left shaken by the deaths of the six children, and the loss of Katlego has deepened their grief. Many are waiting for answers, as authorities continue to investigate the cause of the suspected food poisoning.

For now, Katlego has been laid to rest, but the pain felt by his family, friends, and teachers will linger. As they say goodbye to a boy who brought joy to many, they continue to hold on to hope for healing and justice for all the children who tragically lost their lives.

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