Gogo Skhotheni, a renowned traditional healer and reality TV star, is facing public backlash after a nurse who cared for her son, Monde Shange Jnr, during his two-month stay in the ICU, revealed startling details about Skhotheni’s actions during that critical period.
**Nurse Speaks Out About Gogo Skhotheni’s Son in ICU**
The nurse, who spent two months tending to Monde Shange Jnr at a private hospital, recently spoke out about her experience. She described how the young boy’s condition was severe, requiring constant medical attention. Initially, Gogo Skhotheni appeared deeply concerned about her son’s health, regularly visiting the hospital and engaging with the medical team. However, the nurse soon noticed actions that raised questions about the healer’s priorities.
**Gogo Skhotheni Leaves Hospital to “Hustle” for Medical Bills**
According to the nurse, Gogo Skhotheni explained to the hospital staff that she needed to leave temporarily to “hustle” for money to cover the substantial costs of her son’s ICU care. Given the high expenses associated with private medical treatment, her departure was seen as understandable, and the nurse initially supported Skhotheni’s decision, acknowledging the financial burden many families face in similar situations.
**Shocking Discovery on Social Media**
However, the nurse’s perception changed dramatically after discovering through social media that Gogo Skhotheni had not been entirely focused on securing funds for her son’s hospital bills. Instead, during the period she was supposed to be working to cover the medical costs, Skhotheni had undergone a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL). This cosmetic surgery revelation sparked outrage, especially among those who sympathized with her plight, as many questioned how she could prioritize a cosmetic procedure while her son was in critical condition.
**Public Reaction and Gogo Skhotheni’s Silence**
The public response has been overwhelmingly critical, with fans and followers expressing their disappointment in Gogo Skhotheni’s apparent disregard for her son’s urgent medical needs. Social media platforms have been flooded with comments condemning her actions, with many accusing her of putting vanity and personal desires before her child’s life. The situation has sparked a heated debate about the responsibilities of parents, particularly during times of crisis.
Gogo Skhotheni has not yet responded to these allegations, and her silence has only fueled the controversy. The public is eager for an explanation, hoping she will address the accusations and provide clarity regarding her decisions during her son’s hospitalization. Many are calling on Skhotheni to publicly clarify her actions and offer an apology for what they see as a gross misjudgment of priorities.
**A Debate on Parental Responsibility**
This incident has ignited broader discussions about parental responsibility, especially when a child’s life hangs in the balance. As a public figure, Gogo Skhotheni’s actions have not only affected her reputation but have also sparked important conversations about the choices parents make under pressure. The public eagerly awaits her response, hoping for answers that will shed light on this troubling situation and bring some resolution to the ongoing controversy surrounding her decisions.