On Saturday, August 17, the Durban International Convention Centre became the backdrop for a deeply emotional farewell to Zanele Mbokazi-Nkambule, a revered broadcaster and the cherished mother of actress Khwezi Myeza. The event was a somber gathering of friends, family, and colleagues, all united in grief as they honored a woman whose life had touched many. Among those paying tribute were Zanele’s children, Yolanda and Mawande Myeza, as well as other close relatives and friends who shared their memories and reflections on her impactful life.

Zanele Mbokazi passed away at the age of 52 on August 12, following a battle with lung cancer. The news of her illness was a shock to many, as she only discovered her diagnosis in its final stages. During the funeral, her cousin, Weh Harris, revealed this heartbreaking detail, emphasizing that Zanele’s struggle with cancer was not isolated, as other members of their family had also faced this devastating disease.

The emotional toll of Zanele’s death was particularly evident in the words of her niece, Nonjabulo Mdluli, who spoke openly about the close bond she shared with her aunt. Nonjabulo recalled how Zanele had stepped into the maternal role left vacant by her own mother, Qondi, who had passed away several years earlier. “Our mother [Qondi] told Lindo and myself on her deathbed that she was not leaving us alone,” Nonjabulo shared, reflecting on how Zanele had become a mother figure to her and her sibling. “When mom [Zanele] was still alive, she was always our mother. I think she [Qondi] trained me for this day, but I was never ready.”

The weeks leading up to Zanele’s passing were marked by subtle yet telling signs of her declining health. Nonjabulo recounted how, just a week before Zanele received her diagnosis, she herself had broken her ankle—an incident that seemed to foreshadow the difficult days ahead. It was during this time that Zanele began to openly express her illness, revealing a vulnerability that was unusual for her. “She would say things like, ‘I’m sick, Njabulo,’ and she’d cry,” Nonjabulo said, her voice heavy with emotion as she recalled these moments. “Mom usually never cried, that’s when I knew that she was really sick.”https://twitter.com/LEADERSHIPOPM/status/1824800720282923357?s=19

Beyond her role as a mother and aunt, Zanele was also a key figure in Nonjabulo’s professional life, serving as her PR manager. This dual relationship highlighted the deep bond they shared, both personally and professionally. For her family, Zanele was not just a successful broadcaster but also a pillar of strength, love, and guidance.

As those who knew her gathered to say their final goodbyes, the legacy of Zanele Mbokazi was clear. She was a woman who had left an indelible mark on the lives of those around her, whether through her work in the media or her unwavering support and love for her family. Her passing leaves a void that will be deeply felt by all who had the privilege of knowing her, but her memory and influence will undoubtedly continue to inspire those she left behind.

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