Cindy Makhathini, a popular social media personality, recently broke down in tears during a live video where she opened up about her ongoing struggles. In the emotional livestream, she revealed that she is being severely affected by an impersonator who is pretending to be her on Twitter.

Last month, Makhathini went live to address the situation, visibly upset as she denied having a Twitter account. She expressed frustration over a fake account that has been impersonating her and causing significant problems. The catfish account has not only spread false information but has also led to misunderstandings and serious issues in her personal and professional life.

Makhathini insisted that the Twitter account does not belong to her, and she feels powerless as the account continues to spread harmful messages in her name. She expressed how this ordeal has taken a toll on her emotionally, and despite her efforts to report the issue, it remains unresolved.

The online impersonation has caused Cindy immense distress, with many of her followers unaware that the account is fake. In her tearful address, she pleaded for support from her fans and followers, urging them to help report the fraudulent account and spread awareness about the situation. She hopes that by speaking out, the issue will finally be resolved, and she can move forward without the added stress of being misrepresented online.

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