South African social media influencer and reality TV star Inno Matijane has recently made headlines after sharing a deeply personal transformation in his life. Known for his appearance on Moja Love’s reality show *The Way Ngingakhona,* Inno has opened up about his spiritual journey and the decision to embrace Christianity while still navigating his identity and desires.

#### A New Chapter: Inno Matijane’s Public Declaration

On Monday, August 12, Inno Matijane took to Facebook to announce that he has become a born-again Christian. In his heartfelt post, he expressed his commitment to putting God first in his life, even while acknowledging that he remains attracted to men. This public declaration marks a significant moment in his life, as he reconciles his faith with his identity.

“If there’s one thing I can ask you guys, please don’t use my revelation against the LGBTQ+ community,” Inno began his post, clearly aware of the potential backlash or misunderstanding his announcement could provoke. He emphasized that his journey is deeply personal and not meant to serve as a critique or judgment of others in the LGBTQ+ community. “I said ‘I am still attracted to guys’, but I am choosing God before everything and my desires,” he continued, highlighting the internal conflict between his faith and his feelings.

#### Faith Over Everything

Inno’s decision to turn to God was not an attempt to change his sexual orientation but rather a desire to find solace and guidance in his spiritual life. “God said, ‘come as you are,’ and I did that, to be reborn. I didn’t go to God to be straight; I went to God because I needed him, the rest is on him,” Inno wrote. His words convey a deep sense of surrender, where he entrusts his entire being, including his emotions and desires, to God.

He further elaborated on his journey, stating, “That includes surrendering everything, including my feelings, my thoughts, etc. Please, this is not a ‘gotcha’ moment to the queer community. In fact, y’all should love people as they are and not weaponize the Bible.” Inno’s plea reflects his understanding of the complexities within both the LGBTQ+ community and religious circles, where acceptance and love should be at the forefront rather than judgment or exclusion.

#### A Complex Relationship with Faith

Inno Matijane’s relationship with faith is not without its challenges. He acknowledges the difficulty of aligning his life with the teachings of the Bible, yet he remains steadfast in his commitment to living according to God’s will. “I want to live for God and abide by His book of life,” he stated. Despite his dedication to his faith, Inno reassures his followers that he continues to support the LGBTQ+ community, emphasizing that they are “children of God, like me and you.”

Inno also touched on the reasons why many in the LGBTQ+ community might feel alienated from the church or from God. “That’s why the LGBTQ+ community don’t go to church or God,” he observed, hinting at the broader issue of exclusion and judgment that often drives people away from religious spaces.

#### A Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation

This is not the first time Inno Matijane has opened up about significant changes in his life. In 2022, he became the subject of much discussion on social media when he revealed his struggle with gender dysphoria and his exploration of gender identity. Known for wearing dresses, wigs, and makeup, Inno candidly shared his experiences of grappling with his identity, which he described as “hell.”

In February 2024, Inno’s journey took another turn when he began hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as part of his gender transition. The reality star shared his experiences publicly, hoping that by doing so, he could provide insight and support to others facing similar struggles. “I wanted to make it a personal journey and not share it on social media because I knew I am a public figure. People have known me as a gay person,” Inno told TshisaLIVE.

The decision to undergo HRT was a deeply personal one, yet Inno felt compelled to share his story with the public. “There is a lot of judgment already. People could think I am transitioning because my friends are transitioning,” he explained, addressing the external pressures and assumptions that come with being in the public eye. Ultimately, Inno’s choice to live openly and authentically has been a liberating experience for him. “I’m glad that I did, because I can be free and fully live my life without any fear and caring what anybody will say. So somehow it also helped me and my self-esteem,” he added.

#### The Road Ahead

Inno Matijane’s journey is one of profound self-discovery and faith. His willingness to share his struggles, both with his identity and his spirituality, offers a powerful message of courage and authenticity. As he continues to navigate this complex path, Inno remains open to whatever the future may hold. “If I have a different Revelation in a week or a year, that’s also okay. Man, just be kind. But I am surrendering everything to God, choosing God,” he concluded.

His story serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion, understanding, and the personal nature of faith and identity. In a world where judgment and division often prevail, Inno Matijane’s journey encourages us all to approach each other with love and acceptance, recognizing that everyone’s path is unique.

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