Ramaphosa won’t resign despite historic ANC electoral loss, seeks coalition with DA

President Cyril Ramaphosa is determined to form a coalition government with the Democratic Alliance (DA) despite the African National Congress (ANC) suffering a historic electoral loss, according to sources within the ANC.

Ramaphosa’s decision to seek a coalition with the DA has sparked a rebellion within the ANC, particularly in the Eastern Cape province, where some members prefer a partnership with the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) or uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) party.

The proposed coalition with the DA has two options: a full-blown coalition with the DA as the junior partner or a narrowly-structured pact where the DA agrees to cooperate on specific issues, such as the election of the president and the passing of the national budget, in exchange for key positions in parliament.

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The ANC’s top seven leaders met on Saturday to discuss the party’s position, while the DA’s federal executive is set to meet on Sunday to deliberate on the proposal.

If agreed upon, the coalition would need to be ratified by the ANC’s National Executive Committee.

The EFF has expressed willingness to form a coalition with the ANC, but not at the expense of demanding Ramaphosa’s resignation.

The The MK party, led by former President Jacob Zuma, has emerged as a significant force, gaining 14% of the vote, and is expected to play a key role in the coalition negotiations.

The outcome of these negotiations will determine the future of South Africa’s government and the political landscape, as the country grapples with the implications of a hung parliament.

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