In a tragic incident on the N2 highway, two male passengers tragically lost their lives, and several others were seriously injured when a Quantum taxi, overloaded with around 23 people, lost control and crashed early Monday morning. The accident took place on the southbound lanes, just before the Spaghetti Junction, causing significant disruption to traffic.

**Details of the Crash**

Emergency services responded to the scene shortly after 6 a.m. when the call for help was made. ALS paramedics spokesperson, Garrith Jamieson, provided details of the chaotic scene. The taxi, which was transporting a large number of passengers, reportedly veered off the road, smashed into a barrier, and rolled multiple times. As a result, many passengers were ejected from the vehicle.

“Upon arrival, paramedics were confronted with a scene of devastation and confusion,” Jamieson explained. “The taxi had lost control, and the violent impact led to several passengers being thrown from the vehicle.”

Paramedics quickly assessed the situation and began triaging the injured. A total of 21 passengers, ranging in age from their 30s to 40s, sustained injuries ranging from moderate to critical. The victims were promptly attended to by multiple emergency teams.

**The Deceased**

Sadly, two male passengers in their 30s and 40s were confirmed dead at the scene. Despite the best efforts of the paramedics, they sustained fatal injuries, and there was nothing that could be done to save them. They were declared deceased on-site.

**Rescue Operations and Road Closure**

With the scale of the crash, emergency crews called for additional support. The injured individuals were transported to nearby hospitals in Durban for further treatment. The North and Southbound lanes of the N2 were severely impacted, with traffic at a standstill for hours while authorities and emergency workers continued their efforts.

“Motorists are advised to avoid the area,” Jamieson warned. “The N2 is heavily congested, and emergency services are still working to clear the scene.”

The road was still gridlocked as of the time of the report, and commuters were urged to seek alternative routes to avoid delays.

**Investigation Underway**

Authorities are currently investigating the cause of the crash, and more details are expected to emerge as the probe continues. The crash serves as a stark reminder of the dangers on the roads, especially when vehicles are overcrowded.


The deadly accident on the N2 highway highlights the critical importance of road safety. The tragic loss of two lives and the injuries sustained by many others underscores the need for more stringent regulations and awareness to prevent such incidents. As emergency services continue to respond to the scene, our thoughts are with the victims and their families during this difficult time.

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