Drama series Uyajola 9/9 is facing significant backlash after accusations of staging fake scenes came to light. A woman named Blondie, whose real name is Nothando Gumede, revealed that she was paid to act in one of the show’s episodes.

Blondie’s Revelation

Blondie thought she was merely acting like other actresses when she received a script and instructions for her role. She claims she was paid R1,000 to keep quiet about her involvement in the episode. The episode was filmed in Ntinyane at Mbumbulu, and Blondie alleges that the couple she confronted had no real relationship problems and were also acting. She says they were paid R2,000 to stay silent.

The Truth Behind the Scenes

Blondie’s revelation has exposed the show’s questionable authenticity, causing uproar among viewers who feel misled. The show’s producers have yet to respond to the allegations.

Consequences and Regret

Blondie now regrets her involvement and feels deceived by Uyajola 9/9 producers. The trouble she’s facing with her family isn’t worth the money she received, leading her to delete her Facebook account to avoid viewers contacting her. She has reached out to Moja Love spokesperson Lindiwe Mbonambi for a response but has yet to receive one.

Viewers’ Reactions

The news has sparked outrage among viewers, with many expressing their disappointment and feeling betrayed by the show. Some have called for the show to be cancelled, while others have expressed their support for Blondie and her decision to come forward.


The allegations against Uyajola 9/9 have raised questions about the authenticity of reality TV shows and the lengths producers will go to create drama and entertainment. As the investigation continues, viewers are left wondering what is real and what is staged.

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