Vuyokazi Nciweni, the ex-partner of Mpumelelo Mseleku, has taken a significant step towards self-love and empowerment by leaving a polygamous relationship that made her feel worthless. Over the weekend, her new lover, Chef Xolani Sabelo, sent his family to the Eastern Cape to pay her lobola, marking a new chapter in her life.

Vuyokazi’s Relationship with Mpumelelo Mseleku

Vuyokazi was set to become one of Mpumelelo Mseleku’s wives, son of polygamist Musa Mseleku. However, she decided to end the relationship due to feeling miserable and worthless. Mpumelelo’s announcement that he would marry a virgin as his first wife was the final straw for Vuyokazi, making her constantly doubt her worth.

The Toxic Relationship

Vuyokazi described the relationship as toxic, with Mpumelelo making shocking and mean comments about her. She felt like she was walking on eggshells, never knowing when he would lash out next. The relationship was emotionally draining, and Vuyokazi felt like she was losing herself.

Finding New Love

Vuyokazi was won over by Chef Sabelo’s kindness, charm, and romantic gestures. He showed her that she was valued and loved, something she never experienced in her past relationship. Chef Sabelo’s gestures, such as buying her roses and chocolates, made her feel special and appreciated.

The Lobola Negotiation

The lobola negotiation was a significant step in Vuyokazi’s journey towards self-love and empowerment. Chef Sabelo’s family paid her lobola, recognizing her worth and value as a partner. This gesture marked a new beginning for Vuyokazi, leaving the toxic relationship behind and embracing a new chance at happiness.

Vuyokazi’s Growth

Vuyokazi has grown significantly since leaving the toxic relationship. She has chosen herself and chosen someone who values her. She is excited to start a new life with Chef Sabelo and is looking forward to building a future together.


Vuyokazi Nciweni’s journey to self-love and empowerment is an inspiration to many. She has shown that it’s never too late to leave a toxic relationship and find happiness. Her story highlights the importance of self-love and choosing partners who value and appreciate us.

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