What was supposed to be the happiest day of her life turned into a heartbreaking ordeal. She was set to get married on the 7th of September, excitedly preparing for her big day. But a week before the wedding, her fiancé disappeared without a trace, switching off his phone and leaving her in emotional turmoil. For days, she cried, unable to understand why the man she was about to marry had vanished.

The truth behind his sudden disappearance was far more shocking than she could have ever imagined. It turned out that one of her closest friends had orchestrated the entire situation. This was the same friend who had been by her side throughout the wedding preparations and was even meant to be her maid of honour. The betrayal stung deeper as she had always defended her friend, dismissing warnings from others who claimed that this friend was envious of her happiness.

To make matters worse, she later discovered hidden muthi (traditional African medicine or charms) in her wardrobe. This shocking revelation further deepened her pain, as she realized her so-called best friend had been using black magic against her. The emotional toll was unbearable, and the tears she shed were not just for her broken engagement but also for the friend she had trusted with her heart.

This devastating experience serves as a cautionary tale for everyone. It’s crucial to be mindful of the people we surround ourselves with, as not everyone has good intentions. Even those who appear to be our closest allies may harbour envy and ill will. Trust is a precious gift, and it’s important to be careful about who we give it to.

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