The popular South African telenovela, Skeem Saam, has been a staple on television screens for years, captivating audiences with its engaging storylines and beloved characters. However, one character has become a source of intense frustration and criticism among fans – Khwezi, played by actress Samukele Mkhize.

*The Backlash Against Khwezi*

Introduced in November 2022, Khwezi’s storyline has been met with widespread disapproval, with many viewers calling for the character’s removal from the show. Fans have expressed their displeasure with Khwezi’s erratic and unstable behavior, as well as her obsession with Lehasa, who has clearly moved on and no longer reciprocates her affections.

*The Impact on the Show*

The character’s introduction has been particularly divisive, coming between the show’s beloved couple, Pretty and Lehasa, commonly known as #PreHasa. Fans have taken to social media to express their disappointment, with many calling for Khwezi’s removal. Despite the backlash, Samukele Mkhize’s portrayal of Khwezi has been highly effective, capturing the complex and often unpredictable nature of her character.

*Fan Reaction*

Fans have taken to social media to express their frustration, with many calling for Khwezi’s removal. Some have acknowledged that Samukele Mkhize’s performance deserves praise, even if they despise the character she plays. The ongoing debate surrounding Khwezi’s role in Skeem Saam highlights the emotional investment that viewers have in the show’s characters and storylines.


While fan outrage is understandable, it also speaks to the immersive and engaging nature of the telenovela, which has captivated audiences for years. As the debate continues, fans remain invested in the show’s outcome, hoping for a resolution to the Khwezi saga.

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